Friday, April 6, 2012

Waka Waka

I have added something to my bucket list! I am a little excited about it. I has been decided that before I die I want to be certified to teach Zumba..

 After years of saying that I need to try Zumba I took the plunge on Wednesday and it was SO fun! I'm not joking. I have never had so much fun exercising in my life. Olivia invited me to go with her and I almost didn't. Mostly because I am lazy and didn't want to shower afterward. Horrible excuse I know, and I use it way too often. But it doesn't matter because this time I sucked it up and went.

I can do this I have decided. I can get in shape and love doing it Zumba style. Haha I am all about shaking my hips and doing body rolls to help tone and increase the heart rate. It was so hard. I don't want to hear any of you saying Zumba isn't working out because it is. I have the post squat shuffle happening due to the pain my body experiences when I walk. The whole time we were doing it I kept telling myself, "It is just dancing, not exercising. You can do this, just keep dancing." The best part is that apparently Olivia was telling herself, "I am just working out, not dancing. I can do this, just keep working out. " HILARIOUS!

Olivia and I got a little excited when Shakira made an "appearance" in the class. I was jumping up and down like a fool. "This time for Africa!" I think I have decided to buy the pass that allows me to go to all the Zumba classes on campus. I am going to be a Zumba champ, just you wait. And I am going to have a hott bod after so get ready for that.

And here is the unofficial bucket list:

1. Ride an elephant
2. Hot Air Balloon Ride
3. Learn to play guitar
4. Go to Paris
5. Hike across the Grand Canyon
6. Run a half marathon (Run a 10K before that)
7. Become Zumba Certified
8. Skydiving (I will need someone to push me off however)
9. Ride in a Gondola in Italy with an attractive man (preferably Italian)
10. So I have this one thing I want to try but I don't know if I am brave enough to put it on the internet so just               use your imagination. :)

I feel like I am missing some but I will keep adding to the list.

Next post might have some pictures of me in an adorable outfit, the beginning of some fashion posts. So check in.

Oh and one more thing, I think I need to update the appearance of this here blog. If anyone would be willing to give me some pointers that would be much appreciated!


  1. Ellen, I forbid you to do #4 without me! And I'll take you into the Swiss Alps as a bonus.
    Oh, and don't tell me about #8 until after you do it. I'll hyperventilate.

  2. I think we can work that out. :) I will need someone with me to communicate. And I will keep it a secret.

  3. I love zumba! I do it three times a week ;)
