Sunday, April 1, 2012

I love...

Butterflies, in my stomach mostly when a cute boy makes me nervous.

Getting dressed up.

The noise my heels make when I walk on campus.

Warm nights looking at the stars.



When friends just stop by for a chat.

My little sister making silly videos on my mom's phone.

Chocolate covered strawberries.

Superhero Babies.

New swimsuits!

Midnight Premieres! 
The smell of flowers as I walk into the HFAC

General Conference

I just want to say how grateful I am to have the opportunity to hear from the prophet of the Lord as well as his apostles twice a year. I am overwhelmed by how well my Heavenly Father knows me and what I am going through. I know he loves me and he showed me that through his servants messages at General Conference. This weekend has solidified my testimony that God knows and loves me individually because many of the talks given applied directly to me and what has been weighing on my mind lately. I am grateful for the spiritual recharge I felt as well as the overwhelming Spirit teaching me what I individually need to learn. I am excited to get the Conference Ensign so I can read through all of my favorite talks again. I want to try and remember the feelings I felt this weekend to help me to continuously become better and never forget that the Lord has a plan for me and it is even greater than I can imagine. 

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