Sunday, January 1, 2012

Deep Fried Turkey, Shopping, Games, Go-Carts, Road trips, and Snuggling

I decided I didn't want to give you all a boring play by play about my Christmas vacation so I decided to sum it up in 6 words. Deep fried turkey to represent all the amazing food I had, especially the southern food. The rest are pretty obvious. Sounds awesome huh? Yea, that is because it was! :)

So as seen by the road-trips in my title I did a lot of driving around this break. That means I listened to a lot of music. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot handle being in a car for any long periods of time without music, or more specifically singing to music. Which made me think, what is it about music that I love so much? Why is it that hearing a song can bring me to tears after the first verse? Why is it that music is one of my favorite ways to express or deal with emotion? And I came to a conclusion, I can always find a way to apply songs to my own life or lives of those close to me. The greatest part is these songs can express my feelings in a better way than I ever could. I feel that I am SO  bad at expressing my feelings in words but through music I feel I can use other's words and my voice to express my feelings. I always get so excited when I find "my song".

Of course I have to tie this in to the gospel because well, that is me. Today in church we were talking about personal revelation you can receive from reading the scriptures, specifically how everyone finds different meaning in the scriptures. I realized how this applies to my music epiphany. When I read the scriptures I can always find a scripture that applies almost perfectly to my life or current challenges. I think it is one of the things in life that makes me happy. I get so excited when I find these scriptures that can put into words what I cant. They instantly speak to me with peace and comfort. These scriptures become "my scripture" for a little while. How great is it that the words of God can speak to me so personally?

I am so blessed! And since I was talking about music I will share a song that I like a lot at the moment! Yay Rascal Flatts for writing to my soul. Wow, CHEESY!

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