Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Songs of Thought

I like the way that sounds, songs of thought. I have some random stuff I want to post about and I couldn't think of a title for my random thoughts. How cool would it be if my random thoughts were as beautiful as music?

First Random Thought (or verse if you will):
As I was walking to class this morning at 8am, disgusting, and I noticed something. I noticed the mountains. Normally I don't notice them, which is amazing seeing as they are ginormous. It is true though, I often go throughout my day paying little attention to the rocky masses that are protruding into the sky in front of me. But today, I noticed.  

 It was the epic foggy haze that made everything look soft. It looked as if all the colors were blended together, monocramatic. The strange thing is it didn't take away from the obvious strength that mountains usually portray. It created a feeling of adventure. The light that hadn't fully risen was making it so much more dynamic. It was beautiful. It made me think of the movie Heidi for some odd reason. Random, I know. It also made me want to hike even though I am fully aware it is EXTREMELY cold up there. I just wanted to be a part of its beauty and mystery. It made me want to do something brave, something different, something out of the norm. So...I went to class. FAIL. I would like to say that I highly doubt I was able to convey the beauty adequately but I would challenge you to look at nature around you that you often look over and you may find something breathtaking. 

Second Thought:
I have Tiffany Blue nail polish on. I love it! I painted a silver bow on my thumb but it has already rubbed off. I have decided in need a white nail pen so I can make them look like tiny Tiffany boxes. Ahhh if only I had 10 real little Tiffany boxes.

Third Thought:
I am going to survive this semester, I really think I am. So far I have felt a definite increase in work load but it just keeps me busy. What I had imagined was me having to stay up till all hours of the night and still not even denting the homework that a 17 credit hour semester holds. However, it is only the first week. I will have to come back and read the confidence in myself from days past to remind me that I. CAN. DO. IT.

Fourth Thought:
It is a 3 day weekend and I have no epic plans. I need some! Ideas anyone?

Fifth Thought:
I pulled something in my stage combat class this morning and it hurts! To make it worse it is the second time I have done this. I need some frozen peas.

Sixth Thought:
Here comes my spiritual plug for the post. I was reading in Mosiah about Abinidi as he is preaching to King Noah about his wickedness. Chapter 13 verse 5 says,

"Now it came to pass after Abinadi had spoken these words that the people of king Noah durst not lay their hands on him, for the Spirit of the Lord was upon him; and his face ashone with exceeding luster, even as Moses’ did while in the mount of Sinai, while speaking with the Lord.
(follow link to read the chapter

This made me decide something, I want to shine with the Spirit of the Lord, just as Moses did with "exceeding luster." I want people to meet me and instantly feel the Spirit of Christ emanating from me. I think the best way for me to do that is to keep my life in accordance with Christ's teachings, drawing closer to him in all ways possible. Ah I just keep thinking about how beautiful it is to shine with the light of Christ, to glow with goodness and virtue. I hope someday I can become a person who is worth such luster just as Abinidi and Moses was.

Seventh Thought:
I am tired of having cold knees, I wear too many skirts everyday. 

I think that provides a good range of melody for my song of thought. :P

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! I love reading your thoughts. BTW, get your pants tailored already!
