Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Running Shoes

For some odd reason it is unseasonably warm here in Illinois. This inspired me to go for a little run this morning. I needed to get out of the house. It was so great. It has been awhile since I have run because I really only like running outside and it is just too stinking cold in Utah for that right now. I am so glad I threw my running shoes in my bag last minute. I am definitely going to take advantage of this weather while I am here and in South Carolina.

As I was running today I realized something. A lot of people say they like running because it helps them think. I like it because I take a break from thinking. I have a tendency to spend a lot of time over thinking, worrying, daydreaming, dwelling on things that stress me out, etc. When I run however it is completely different. Instead of thinking about things that are worrying me I think about how the air feels as it fills up my lungs when I breath, I think about how my hair is swinging back and forth in my pony tail, how my shoes sound hitting the pavement, the beautiful places I get to run in, and how amazing it is that I have a healthy body to run with. I think about how insane it is that I, Ellen Weatherford, am running and loving it. I think about how far I have come and how I can make it to the end. I concentrate on pushing myself further than I thought I could go, up that hill, around that corner, two more streets, I can do this. I think about how hard it is to just keep going but in the end I know I will feel so great!

I think that can apply a lot in my life right now. My family is going through some really hard stuff. I am going through some pretty hard stuff. But that is life, it is hard sometimes but we have to push through it and let it make us stronger. The beautiful part about it is through the Gospel we can find peace in the difficulty, we can have an undeniable confidence in the fact that we are doing what God would have us do just as I have an undeniable confidence that running past the hurt is going to make my body stronger and healthier. I can do this, I can make it to the end.

Well, it is time to find somewhere to take a warm shower. Our stinking pilot light won't stay lit. And before I go, just want to share a clip from my favorite Christmas movie ever that I got to watch with my mom, sister, and aunt last night.

Merry Christmas!

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