Friday, December 16, 2011

Skidamarink a Dink a Dink

I'm home! Yay :) After an extremely long week I conquered my finals, made it through my first day as a peer advisor for the BYU education department,  made a delicious dinner for my roommates, and made it home.

Finals, I know everyone is tired of people complaining about finals or even counting down till they are done but I have something good to say. I rocked those finals so hard! Boom baby! I don't know when the last time I felt that good about any of my tests. It was especially nice because I worked really hard to be ready for them. Plus a little bit of prayer led to a very successful finals week. Now on to my second semester as a Junior. WEIRD!

Ok, now to the advisor accomplishment. I was scared, I still am scared but, I loved it! I feel like I am actually helping people. It is therapeutic helping other people organize their college lives, even when mine is in a lot of disarray. Oh well, maybe while learning how to advise other people I will get my stuff together. I guess we will see how it goes in January. Wahoo.

Then we have my delicious dinner. I learned two things while making this dinner. Number one is, I LOVE cooking when it is for other people. Seriously, so much fun. I put a lot of thought into this meal I was going to make for my roommates the last night we would all be together before Rachel left for Jerusalem. It was so fun and it made me want to cook for other people so much more. I was just surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I wouldn't say that I am a "cooker" but I will say that I am a cooker for people I care about. Ok, the second thing I learned is that I am the master at organizing the food so it all gets done at the same time. Yes, I am bragging about my skills, but come on, that is TALENT! Everything was warm and ready only 5 min after I wanted it to be ready. Just saying. :) Pictures later when I get my memory card reader fixed.

This morning I avoided some disasters with my car, picked up some fellow travelers, and headed to the airport. On the plane there were the most adorable little boys sitting behind me. They were 2 and 4. As we were landing the older boy started singing, "I love you in the morning and in the afternoon." Then his younger brother attempted the chorus but it cam out more like "Skhgonwe jgoabnalatj a dlaielk dl lkewoi I. LOVE. YOU!" It was priceless.

I get outside with my luggage and I meet up with my Uncle Adam who was picking me up since my parents are out of town. He brought a little surprise with him, my nephew Lee. And by nephew I mean cousin. I always do that. Anyway, it was a great surprise. He is probably one of the coolest 7 1/2 year old boys I know. It was also really great to talk with my Uncle. He is way cool, I am super lucky! We got home and Lena was looking out the window by the door. As soon as she saw me she started freaking out. She ran to get Lindy and they both ran outside barefoot in the their PJs to tackle me. It was so great! It is good to be home, it is good to feel loved.

Now it is time for me to snuggle with my sisters in my parents HUGE bed! Yay for them being out of town. And yay for snuggling, I think that is my favorite hobby. But really.

As you can see, they are already asleep. Goodnight all!

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