Sunday, December 11, 2011

In the Arms of my Love

Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God,
and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love. 
D&C 6:20

          I came across this scripture today while studying for my mission prep final. I have justified studying on Sunday because it is a religion class. I am so glad I did though. I was instantly comforted by the wording of this scripture. D&C 6:20 (written above). For the past week or so I have felt that I needed nothing more than a hug. I needed someone to hold me and make me feel that no matter what the trial is now, I could overcome it. To feel in their arms the promise of an ending to the current pain. Reading this scripture made me realize that if I am faithful and diligent I can literally be held by God. I cannot think of anything so wonderful. 

       As you can probably tell life is tough a the current moment. But I don't want this to be me whining, that would completely go against the Spirit I have felt today. A sister in my ward gave a talk today that was probably one of the most moving talks I had ever heard. I think it might have been the fact that it was such an answer to prayer and not necessarily the fact that she is the greatest public speaker of all time. The Spirit spoke directly to me through her words.

      She spoke to us about the Savior. Specifically about how he can heal our broken hearts. She made the statement that we need to allow our hearts to break and offer it up unto him as a very insignificant offering and then he will heal us. Not only that but he will make our hearts anew. I loved how she said we need to allow our hearts to break. That scares me so much! I have always been one to try and hold things together. I can get through it, I can make it better, I can be strong. That is not how it works though. I have to humble myself and become vulnerable. That is how the Savior can come in and heal me. We are not alone in the pains of life. The Savior Jesus Christ knows our pain and suffering and can offer the arms we need. The arms of his love can wrap around us and make us whole. 

      What a beautiful and hopeful message? I was overcome with a feeling of joy. I was surprised to realize that I have this wonderful opportunity to draw closer to my Savior and become more like him, more capable of loving others because of  these trials in my life. I realize that just having this knowledge isn't going to make this trial disappear. What I do know is that if I offer my broken heart to my Savior he will be there to hold me together, to help me become new. 

      It is almost funny. I have in the past used Christs atonement to heal a broken heart and yet it took a random scripture and a talk in church to remind me of that knowledge. I am so grateful for the many innumerable blessings in my life. And today, most of all, I am grateful for Jesus Christ, my brother and Savior. 

P.S. I am going to try and make this a more regular thing, I miss blogging. 

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