Saturday, June 11, 2011

I was Born in the Wrong Era!

Yesterday was a flashback themed day. I felt that I was in London during the 30's and 40's opposed to 2011. We decided to go to the Imperial War Museum. The museum was very interesting. When you first walk in they have a display of war machines used. I was surprised at how tiny the space was for the people to sit and direct the machine. I certainly would handle that well. Claustrophobic. I especially found the advertisements to the women in the homeland asking them to go to work or help women who can, or grow your own food.

At the top of the museum was a Holocaust exhibit. It was extremely intense. They wouldn't let anyone under the age of 14 go in because of the disturbing images. They actually had footage of shootings. I walked out of there with a heavy heart. I am always so shocked at how people could actually do that to other people. How does your mind get so twisted that you actually think it is okay to systematically kill women and children. It blows my mind.

We had to leave after that exhibit so I could get ready to see Strictly Gershwin. This show was unbelievable! There was a live Jazz orchestra, a Jazz vocal ensemble, a Jazz soloist, classical ballet, jazz ballet, ballroom, rumba, tap dancing (my favorite), and rollerblading. All of the music was Gershwin. I looked ridiculous sitting on the edge of my seat, with a huge grin on my face. It was so wonderful! That is when I decided I was born in the wrong era!  I need an occasion to wear a dress like this. Ahhh what a great day/night. :) Camille went with me and we came home put some good Gershwin music on and danced around the kitchen. Fun fun!

I am very behind on my blogging so a little back tracking is in order, only the highlights, don't worry! On Wednesday night we were feeling a little sentimental knowing the program was almost over. Camille, Lauren, Katie, Katie and I decided to head down to the west end and walk around to say goodbye, for those who were leaving. We saw some great street performers, got some DELICIOUS gellato! And sat on the step in Trafalgar Square looking at Big Ben. We each shared some of our favorite memories of the trip. We then made wishes in the fountain, I hope mine comes true. It was so fun and very sad. It is weird because I am still here but everyone, and I mean everyone but Katie, is gone. I have such mixed feelings of being sad because it is over, but I am still here so it isn't really over.

On Thursday night we had a little cookie party in flat one. Not everyone was there sadly but Phil, Delys, and Rodger came which was nice. We got to say goodbye and have a few laughs before we did so. After the cookie party Camille, Katie, Katie and I hiked up to the six floor (it really is a hike, we were all out of breath) and we crawled out onto the roof. It was beautiful to look out on the surrounding area. This city is so magical. Every part of it. Crawling back in was interesting because we had to do it over a sleeping girl from our program. It made for a very funny and wonderful last night, for some. :)

So now it is just Katie and I in this big flat. I don't mind. We are having fun, doing some of the things we didn't have time to do before and kind of just relaxing. I will be glad to go home though. I miss everyone so much! The first thing I will do when I get back is hug my family. Then I will eat some taco johns and shop at target. Boy do I miss target. Well I better go start my day. Talk to you soon!

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