"If only there could be an invention, that bottled up a memory, like scent.
And it never faded, and it never got stale.
And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked,
and it would be like living the moment all over again."
-Daphne Du Maurier
This quote is from the book Rebecca which I am currently reading for the second time. I love when I find quotes that say what I feel much better than I can because I am horrible at expressing myself. Anyway, as I am currently living in London, England I feel like this everyday. I start to feel a little bit anxious that I won't document it well enough and these memories will fade, and then they will be gone. I am learning so much here about myself and this world I live in and I am so scared that I won't remember it all. How sad will it be to have these specific moments and feelings disappear. Pictures just don't do it, writing down all the details certainly doesn't do these moments justice. It is something I am thinking about constantly now that the program is coming to an end. I guess I will just have to take the time to enjoy it, experience, and remember it the best I can. Seeing as there is not such invention.
Now, so I don't forget more about my little trip to Stratford here is day two.
We woke up and had our proper English breakfast complete with baked beans, eggs, sausage, and bacon. Surprisingly delicious. The sausage was great! Probably because I don't like sausage very much but this was, as Katie said, bland. Then we headed to Shakespeare's birthplace which was cool but the coolest part was the actors performing outside for us. After that we went to New Place which is the very large home Shakespeare retired in. Then we went to Hall's Croft the son-in-law of Shakespeare. At this point I was a little tired of seeing the extended family that had very little to do with Shakespeare himself. Good thing we were taking a break! We then got some absolutely delish Indian food. YUMMY! Then we did some shopping which helped me cross off some gifts from my list. Which helped my insane stress about finding the perfect gift for people. Then we went to Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare is buried, now that was cool!
Later that night we went to see Macbeth, one of the best performances I have ever seen. They had children being lowered in from the ceilings, ghost punching their way through the floor, and fire crackers. It was intense but extremely thought provoking. The acting was so good as well. That can make or break a show and it certainly made it so great.
Ooo I forgot to mention my celebrity viewing from seeing the Merchant at this same theatre. Shylock was played by Patrick Stewart. He is very famous, look him up. He was honestly the only redeeming quality about the show. I can always tell when an actor is talented when they alter my entire idea about a show or a character from their performance and that is just what he did.
Then we took some pastries we bought earlier that day onto a little dock on the Avon, we were literally upon Avon ha punny! Here is a bad picture, but you get the idea.
It was so beautiful out so we decided to explore a bit, avoiding the violent swans that were EVERYWHERE! It was actually quite funny because Katie is very afraid. :) We walked over some bridges and found a little outdoor performance area with great acoustic so I sang a little Aladdin while Camille and Katie 1 acted it out. Ah good times!
That wraps up that day.
Now a little bit about today if you don't mind indulging me for a few more min. We had church which was nice but sad because it was our last Sunday. Then tonight for our fireside we had a testimony meeting. A lot of people brought up the question about why they think God had placed them here, at this time, with this group. It made me really think. I don't have an answer at the moment but I plan on pondering it in these last few days I am here.
What I have thought about a lot is what the trip has taught me. I feel like being here I have been ripped away from everything that grounds me, my country, my family, my friends, my job, my clothes, my favorite foods, etc. and when all those things are gone I have realized what I always have is my Savior and his Gospel. I know I take for granted that blessing. Being here when everything is so new and foreign I have had the opportunity to lean on my Savior to a much greater degree. I have been able to draw closer to him. While being here I have experienced some pretty hard challenges coming from back home and with out my usual support system my relationship with Christ is the primary means to help me overcome these, which is how it should be. His atonement can heal and strengthen me even when I am alone in a new country.
I guess this kind of IS why I was sent here, to gain this knowledge and come to know my Heavenly Father and Savior. Wow, my pondering didn't take long. I know that this knowledge will help me that much more when I face the inevitable challenges in my future.
Until next time friends.
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