Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ellen's Novel Chapter 2

So here comes yet another long one so be prepared. We will start with the rest of my week and then move onto our second day in Barcelona. Friday was quite a relaxed day because after I woke up at 7am to write my paper that was due the night before but I couldn't do because the converter was being used and my lap top was dead I went back to sleep and accidentally slept until 1pm. I couldn't believe it! I guess my body needed it.

Once I blogged and got ready for the day it was like 5:30 so I made the decision to see Phantom of the Opera!!!! I had a little time after I got my ticket so I explored around the theatre by myself. It was so nice! I am mad at myself for not taking some alone time while I have been here. Not that it isn't fun to constantly be with other people but I hadn't realized how nice it was to just think and be alone. That is one of my goals for the rest of the program. Ok, anyway, back to PHANTOM! It was fabulous, more for the mere fact that I was actually seeing it for the first time but I loved it. The acting was...interesting. Haha I wish I could act some of it out for you all so you could have a good understanding.  The singing was perfect! I am serious, I have nothing negative to say about it. Raoul was probably my favorite vocally but the Phantom was definitely a close second. Ah, I want to see it again. I had constant chills. People around me probably thought I was a freak because I couldn't stop smiling.

Saturday started out with the Portabello Market. I did this on my own, not by choice but because I didn't have time to wait for any of the Katies. I was trying to find gifts for my fam bam but I have this obsession with finding the PERFECT presents and so then I am anxious and I don't make any decisions. Ugh! One day I will find the ultimate souvenir. Anyway I didn't get anything for my family but I got something for Ally :) and I got a   dress for myself! It is a vintage handmade dress and I saw it 3 weeks ago but I didn't want to pay full price for it so I figured if it was still there maybe she would go down. To my joy it was still there. In case you guys are anxious to see it I wore it to tea later that day so there are pictures. :)

After Portabello I was supposed to meet some girls at Harrod's for birthday celebration but I was running very late and failed at finding them. That place is huge! And magical. So I gave up and went back home to get some lunch and to get ready for tea time at Kensington Palace Orangery. Here is a picture. Take note of the dress.

We got orange tea and scones with clotted cream and jam. Delicious! Seriously I wanted more! Clotted cream for your information is a mix between butter and whipped cream and it is yummy. Sounds disgusting, I know but for some reason London has a love for titling food the most unappetizing things. For example Digestives are cookies or Lemon Curd, ick. Anyway, here are some more pictures for your enjoyment. 

Today we had stake conference which was nice plus I got to wear my new shoes :).

 It was broadcast from Salt Lake and we got to hear from Elder L. Tom Perry, Sister Thompson, and President Monson. It was really great, I am constantly aware heavenly father is of my worries. Sister Thompson talked about learning from the challenges that come up in our lives. I really needed to hear that council. 

After church we headed to Westminster Abbey for Evensong. There was a mens choir that was amazing! I didn't know it was a mens choir until afterwards because I couldn't see. The soprano part was sung by little boys. It was so powerful hearing this music in that beautiful abbey. Then we headed over to St. Pauls Cathedral and heard an Organ Recital. It wasn't as beautiful as the Evensong but it was an experience and the Cathedral is absolutely gorgeous!

We came home and Katie 1 and I made a pizza, so yummy!

And I  found my dream car!

We then had a fireside from the boys in our program who served missions.  It really made me think about the possibility of serving a mission. I realized that if it is what I feel I need to do this next year is the time to prepare. I guess I will start sincerely praying about it and see what happens. I never thought I would serve a mission but the more I think about the possibility the more I think I want to do it. I guess we will see. 

I just realized that there are a lot of people probably reading my blog who don't know a lot about our church so if you ever have any questions please ask! I would be happy to explain anything to you! I don't want you to feel left out.


So I am to Friday the day of Gaudi. Oh my word, he is a genius who has created some of the most beautiful structures I have seen in my entire life. We started the day with Gaudi park. Actually we started the day with pastries but that is no surprise. 

The view of the entire city was breathtaking. It is a beautiful city. We also enjoyed the park because it made an appearance in the Cheetah Girls 2 movie which was quoted and referenced the entire trip. 

After the park we went to the Gaudi Cathedral or The Sagrada Familia .When we got there we saw the line, around the corner. We weren't sure if we wanted to pay to go in but Camille convinced us and I am so glad she did. As soon as we walked in I got tears in my eyes. 

It reminded me of a drop castle only HUGE! He took a lot of inspiration from nature. Apparently his mom home schooled him and spent a lot of time observing nature. There is so much detail that makes this cathedral so unique and powerful. 

Next stop was Las Ramblas a street lined with shops and street vendors. I got a a t-shirt and we had some interesting haggling experiences. I just have to share this one because it was great. Ok, so Camille and Ellie wanted these shirts. The guy comes over and says they were 10 and 15 euro. He then offers 8 and 12. Camille was set on getting it cheaper but he wouldn't budge. So Camille says to Ellie lets go and he gets mad and shoos us out telling Camille she is CRAZY! Once we get out of the store Ellie says she wanted hers for 8 so she decides to go back in and the owner says Ok I will give it to you but you have to tell your friend she is crazy. Funny. So Camille is on the hunt for the shirt somewhere else.  When she is unsuccessful she convinces Katie to go back to the other store to get it. Katie gears up and goes, receiving the same speech Ellie got.  But Katie got the wrong size! Ah so Camille decides she will brave it and go back in. Because she is the luckiest girl in the world that guy wasn't there and she exchanged it. I cannot believe her luck. Only Camille can pull that off.

After all that Gaudi and crazy shopping we were hungry and tired. Luckily the adorable Italian hostel worker was teaching us how to cook real Italian pasta once we got back to the hostel. And that began Katie and Valerio's romance. They flirted the whole time he was teaching us to cook. It was precious. AND they had a music connection so you know it is meant to be. I was happy because I got great pasta and I learned how to make it. Here are out hostel friends sitting outside eating our pasta with candle lighting. It was magical.

After dinner we headed to the fountain show. It was so cool. They played Queen which automatically makes it top notch. It was really warm out and we just sat on the stairs and watched the show. It was a great way to end our trip. 

After the fountain show we went home and went to bed, well except for Katie who spent her night talking to her Italian lover boy. I am a bit jealous. He was cute! lol 

Okay, only one more day left of this Spain madness and then back to the posts :) And to end I would like to share a poem Camille wrote during our trip when she couldn't sleep for fear of hostel uncleanliness. 

Twas the night before Barca and all through the hostel,
Everyone was stirring, it sounded like a brothel!
The passports were locked in the lockers with care,
In hopes that by morning they still would be there.
I was tucked all snug in my bed.
While visions of scabies played through my head!
And Elly in her sleep outfit and Katie in Ellen's hat,
Had just settled down for a sleep that was more of a nap.
When from the doorway there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bunk to see what was the matter.
Away to the lockers I flew like a flash,
Threw myself in front of them, thieves hopes I would dash.
Turns out it was Javier come to kiss us goodnight,
We acquiesced, then slept for our flight.

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