Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pride and Prejudice Fantasy

I will have you know that my Pride and Prejudice fantasies were so close to being fulfilled today. How is this possible you might ask, well I will tell you. Today was our day for the Kent Walk, a 15ish mile hike through the countryside of Kent which as you are about to see is the perfect backdrop for a Jane Austen novel of your choice.

We started the walk by passing this church which was built in the 11th century! At the end of our hike we went into the church and sang a few hymns, it was really peaceful. I could just imagine getting married to mister Darcy. And taking pictures out front like this one.

 We then walked over to Kennilworth Castle but it was closed due to vandalism :( but there was this cool path.
 We stopped by this little river to eat our lunch and feed the ducks. It was so nice, even when it started raining. This is where I started wishing I was dressed in costume for my lead role as Elizabeth Bennett.

After lunch we headed up the little side roads to get to a Roman Villa ruin. It was really neat, the museum around it was set up very nicely and explained a lot about life in Roman Britania. Here is a picture of the mosaic that was extremely extravagant at the time this was built. 

After exploring that for about an hour we headed to the Hops and lavender farm. On the way we found...

1) Kissing Fence- We need more of these in the states. They are called that because as you go through one at a time you end up facing the other person and blocking them in creating the perfect opportunity for a kiss. 

2) Field of Dandilions- These were legit up to my waist! The best part was the random poppies in the field but you cant see them in the picture. Oh and of course their was the hilariousness of my professor frolicking through the field as well. 


3) Castle :)

4) The field where my sexy Mr. Darcy walks up to me and says "You have bewitched me body and soul and I love, I love, I love you!" Ahhhhhhh

The only thing missing was the man. :( One day he will be with me in this beautiful country! Now that I have embarrassed myself by letting you all know about my obsession with Jane Austen I have to tell you that I watched Lost in Austen (a movie about a girl who switches places with Elizabeth) when I came home and fed my healthy obsession a little more.  It was great to get out of the busy city get some fresh air and walk a little. The country is beautiful and I couldn't help but think how much my Mimi would have loved it. I think it made me decide that I would rather live in the country for the rest of my life than the city. 

Now I would like to wrap up Spain just to be thorough. We woke up, packed our stuff and headed to the airport. Katie of course said goodbye to her Italian romance with a kiss on the cheek from him. First stop was the pastry shop so we could used all of our Euro's before we headed back to the UK. We walked out of there with a grocery bag filled with pastries.  It was wonderful! They didn't last too long. My last one was finished and I took a look at the wrapper and couldn't help but do this...

No Shame!

We flew into Madrid first then waited around for about 3 hours and flew from Madrid to London. Not too eventful but restful which is what we all needed. 

Well ladies and gents, that wraps up Spain unless I remember important details I forgot then I will add tid bits in. Tomorrow morning we are heading to Startford-Upon-Avon birthplace of Shakespeare, for 3 days, staying in a Bed and Breakfast for two nights.  I have decided to leave my computer at home and take a break from life outside of this program, I need it. Don't worry though, I will take lots of  pictures and post some of my infamously long posts when I get back. Until Saturday. 

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