Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Awesome Work-Out

Yesterday I did one of the hardest workouts yet and probably my favorite. Find it here. I was recommended to check out fitnessblender on youtubeby a couple of you and I just happened to pick this one. Here are some reasons I really enjoyed this video:

1. There is no music - that isn't exactly why I like it but because there is no music you can a. listen to your own and b. hear the girl doing the video breathing heavy, just like me.

2. You can see that this girl is working hard too, sweaty and everything.

3. She admits that this is hard for her too. Wow. That is what I like to hear.

I just enjoy how "real" it is. There isn't a fan blowing on the perfectly curled hair of the girl working out. I know that I'm not the only one breathing heavy and grunting as I try and struggle to complete the exercises. I can see that sweating is normal when working out. It's not just me!

An added bonus is the video tells you a range of calories burned. I ended up just going right in the middle when inputting my calories on the "LoseIt" app. I figure I'm not the least out of shape person who do these videos and I'm definitely not the most in shape so it was safe to go somewhere in the middle.

After this workout I got that truly amazing feeling that I had pushed myself so hard and my body felt weak and yet strong because of it. I'm guessing it was that "high" they talk about, all those endorphin's that come from exercising. It was pretty great! I need more exercises like that/ I need to remember that feeling when I REALLY don't want to get up and exercise. But boy am I sore today!

I made a really delicious, low calorie veggie quesadilla last night for dinner after that killer workout. First I roasted some sweet potatoes in the oven then heated up some black beans and frozen corn in a pan with a little bit of salt, pepper, cumin, and a diced jalapeno. Then I added it all to a low carb (therefore low calorie) tortilla in a frying pan, added a LITTLE bit of cheese and flipped to brown the other side. Very yummy. You could totally add whatever veggies you had on hand to make it your own. I meant to take a picture but...I didn't. We were in a hurry to watch the Championship Football game. :)

Sadly today is going to be my rest day for the week because I woke up feeling SUPER nauseous (no, I am NOT pregnant) and just can't seem to shake it. Trying to not move is what I'm all about at the moment so exercising does not fit into that goal.

Still going strong though. Tomorrow will be 1 week since I started counting calories again and according to the "LoseIt" app I should have lost 1 1/2 lbs in said week so we will see. I am nervous because if this isn't working I don't know what I will do. Fingers crossed.

Next time I will have more pictures. When I read blogs that is almost all I do, look at the pictures so I should know better. Until next time!


  1. If it doesnt work after 1 week - keep going! apps use and counting calories to lose weight is tricky! i remember losing weight after dulce was born (or trying to haha) and getting frustrated because i felt like i was working hard and it was slow to come off! im sure youve lost weight this week, but there will be weeks where you dont, and dont worry, just keep going! patience, consistence, and dedication!

    1. Good advice, I am hoping I can believe it when I don't start seeing results. I am a bit impatient when it comes to these things. When I am crying because I'm not loosing anything I will make sure and read this post again.

  2. I did a fitness blender workout yesterday too and it was super hard! I like thinking we're doing similar workouts :)

  3. I love fitness blender, for those same reasons too! I also really like the time countdown because it makes me push myself. Have you tried her 5 day workout? So hard, but so good. I like that I'm starting to feel stronger, even if the scale may not be telling me what I want to hear-I feel good! That's what matters, right? Have you ever tried the My fitness pal app? A lot of people like it for tracking calories in and out, and it really is nice, I'm just too lazy to keep up with it, haha.

  4. I just finished day 4! It is crazy hard but I am liking it. Ha i was sore for like 3 days after the first one.

    I am actually using a similar app called Lose It!, same exact thing as far as I know. It is not as fun to input every little thing you eat but I have found that as you go along it gets easier because your meals get save from previous days and you can just select those for the next day.

    Keep up the good work. It is so nice to hear other people are doing similar stuff that I am doing to stay in shape.
