Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm in Love with a Boy Named Curious George

I wanted to share with everyone my love story...or ours I guess.

It all started at Camp Kesem, a camp for kids whose parents have cancer. Donate here. I was told that it would change my life and boy did it ever.

So here I am in SLC, emigration canyon and there is this kinda cute counselor in my group, he goes by Curious George- we all have camp names so you don't find out real names until after camp is over- and he is SO funny! As I put it in my journal, "insane flirting" ensued, flirty nice notes were recieved, cute looks across the cafeteria were passed. He was my crush for the week. And then the week was over and he didn't ask for my number! Seriously?! So I did what any respectable girl would do, I made a facebook status about a date I wanted to go on in hopes that he would get the hint. Good thing he is smart because he asked me out for the next Friday. In true Glinda style I did a very public happy dance!

My favorite part is he didn't even wait till that date on Friday night but took me out on Sunday to go sing at a nursing home (holy cuteness) and then again on Wednesday to get Indian food for lunch (how did he know that was my favorite food?!).

He was just so funny, I laughed so hard on our first few dates. He was so easy to talk to. I felt like we had been friends for years. (Yes these are cliches but that doesn't make them not true) And on top of it all he was so stinking cute!

On our first date he brought me a big bouquet of flowers and I knew that he was a special guy!

And then I waited for him to make a move. He would kill me for saying this but, HE TOOK FOREVER! Not all his fault though because apparently I didn't give off enough clues, as if having my hand palm up on my knee wasn't clue enough. But I wasn't giving up, so I decided we should hike the Y together (his first time) on his birthday starting at about 10:00 pm. Best plan ever because he finally made a move!

The next day he sat me down, smiling his adorable smile that I can't get enough of, "Can we please be dating now?" I responded with, "Yes, yes we can!" And well, the rest went pretty fast.

After a wonderful weekend with his entire family in Washington we started talking and agreed that there wasn't much else that we needed to know. "It was the feeling of finding the one," he said the night we got back into Provo. We decided that night we were going to get married. He called my Dad 2 days later and we picked out a ring 2 days after that. Then I waited, a little impatiently. Basically everyday I would ask him when we were going to get officially engaged. He just said, "soon, I promise."

 Friday night, November 9th, as we were on his couch he said, "I'm sorry for not proposing yet." And I didn't give him any slack, I told him he should be sorry, and that we should just plan on it happening the next day. "Yea, that will be great! I'm so excited!" He laughed and said "sorry, can't happen" he didn't have what he "needed." I was then 100% convinced that he didn't have the ring. Great, another weekend and I'm not engaged. He is the only one who could fool me like that (another reason we are great for each other). He walked me back to my door where he told me he loved me and "other sweet things" as he says when he tells the story. He got on one knee and pulled out the ring. I was so shocked! I thought at first he was messing with me because he had fake knelt down in the past but when he had the ring I knew it was the real thing. Jumping up and down I said, "Yes, yes, yes!" And I have been smiling ever since. 

 I'm sure some of you are thinking how can I make the biggest decision of my life after dating someone for two months. I think the best way to describe it is by telling you the story of when he first told me he loved me. We were cuddling on his couch when he did his little sigh thing. He had been doing it often lately so I asked him, "what is that sigh all about, you do it a lot?" Then he told me, "it's because I think I'm in love with you."

My reaction is the key. Maybe I should have freaked out, maybe I should have been a little concerned that it was too fast but I wasn't. All I could think was, "of course you love me,  that's the way you talk to me, look at me, hold me, kiss me, I know you love me." I know he loves me. And I know I love him and I know that I want to be with him for eternity. I don't just think I KNOW!

Our whole relationship has been well, so right. I would think as we continued dating and moved forward "of course this is happening, of course because it is Curious George and Glinda, we are supposed to be together. It is the way it is supposed to be."

I have dated a couple of guys pretty seriously and I know what I want and he is it. He loves me in a way that those guys never could, he makes me happier than any other person in the world, he takes care of me, he makes me laugh, he makes me better, and I'm crazy about him! Nothing has ever felt so right in my life and I have been praying every step of the way to make sure not only am I doing what I want but what God wants for me. I have not once felt that this is not what my Heavenly Father wants for me and that is how I can know. I can know without a shadow of a doubt that I want to spend the rest of my life with Christopher Michael Williams. I want to be his wife and share our lives together.

I'm getting married to the love of my life and my best friend!


  1. I'm so, so happy for you, Ellen. Suddenly the world becomes so perfect, and so much easier to handle :) I can't wait to see you and congratulate you in person!! You both look so happy! (And so stinkin cute! But I've mentioned that before . . . )

  2. i love you guys! you're gonna make a great wife for my best friend :)

  3. I love this so much! This is like so similar to my experience, it's crazy! We similarly dated for only two months but when you know, you know. It is exactly how I felt. So happy for you! It made me so happy to read about something that happened to me in almost the same way...

    If you are interested, here is the link to our little blog! http://lilgunnellfam.blogspot.com/

  4. YAY for Ellen and Chris! I love this story! And I could not be happier for you. You deserve the perfect guy and it sure looks like you've found him. Congratulations! I adore the picture of you at what I assume is the football stadium where you are wrapped in raspberry (and Chris's arms). It is beautiful and screams young love. I know you won't, but I think you should use it for your wedding announcements!

  5. I just read this entire post out loud to Foo Foo Berry and Squishy and we're all teary eyed. I love this story and we have all seen the love you guys share. I'm so happy to know you both!
