Monday, January 30, 2012

Hold Your Horses

My dad always says this when we are getting impatient. You have to imagine it with a southern accent to get the full effect. In case you don't have an understanding of what this idiom means you should check it out here.

I have been thinking about the idea of patience a lot lately. It is something I think I lack unfortunately. Not only that but it is something that I really need in my life right now.

I have been told that I was always going on 20 regardless of my actual age. 5 going on 20, 10 going on 20, 12 going on 20. You get the idea. I couldn't wait to actually be 20 because then I would be an adult. Then I could use all this maturity I have had my whole life. HA

Now I am 20 going on 21. Woah, how did that happen? And guess what, there are a lot of things that I want in life that I don't have right now. Funny how I have spent a lot of my life waiting to be 20 because 20 is when everything you want in life is yours. Oh how confused I was regardless of the fact that I have been going on 20 my whole life. (P.s. the picture was taken on my 20th birthday, I think pictures make blogs more interesting so I thought I would throw one in there)

Ok here is the thing, I need to be patient cause at the current moment in time, i'm not. I need to hold my horses. Everything comes to him (her) that waits. First things first. A watched pot never boils. Easier said than done huh? Well, I think hard things are worth it so, I am going to work on being more patient. I know that one day I will have all the wonderful things I want out of life but that day is not today. I have to be patient for whatever blessings are in store.  I need to stop thinking about all the things I want in life that I can't have right now but how I can prepare now for what I want my future to hold. I am going to focus on how I can better myself as I am being patient. I think that will be a measurable way to track my patience progress because let's face it patience is not concretely measured. And now I am telling all of you so you can hold me accountable.

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