Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Yesterday I started my goal to exercise everyday by going on a brisk walk. I felt kind of silly walking, come on, I’m 23 years old, walking is for old people, I should at least be able to jog slowly. But I am really trying to listen to my body and my body cannot jog right now. It is too painful and so I walked for about 45 min.

Let me tell you, it is hard to walk briskly when the ground looks like this.

Even though it was somewhat of a warm day plenty of the sidewalks were covered in slushy snow that on more than one occasion left me feeling like I was going to fall on my butt. After a while I just started leaping over these spots if possible or walking on the street. So just imagine me, power walking around south Provo, hips and all, and occasionally stopping and leaping over snow piles. If anything, it had to be entertaining for those watching anyway. 


It was actually really nice just walking around. I started the walk playing my app where the bible is read like a book on tape. Then after a couple chapters in Luke I started listening to music. I looked at all the cool old houses down town Provo and just thought. I mean how cute is this house?

After about 35 min. of walking I was getting close to home but really wanted to make it a 45 min walk so I decided to go back around to the apartment another way. I turned onto this road with a wall on each side expecting it to end in a block or so. NOT the case.

I don’t know if you can see but it went on, for a long while. I then had to turn back for fear that my 45 min walk would turn into an hour and a half. I think I will start my walk here next time though and find out where the walls do end.

Today I did THIS yoga workout. Holy Majoly. I mean seriously! I always think to myself “oh, yoga will just be some nice stretches and breathing.” False. I was dying. Literally my arms were shaking, sweat was dripping off my face. Yoga is the real deal man.

As far as eating goes I haven’t exactly “started” just because we didn’t have ANY food in the house, period, but last night I went to the store and bought a lot of produce for healthy snacks so I plan on starting my eating portion of my weight loss goal tomorrow. Chris even helped me cut up some veggies to have for snacks. He is a great supporter.

 I made up a list of “options” so when I am hungry I don’t have to think “what should I eat?” I can look at my list and pick from there so I thought I would share in case anyone else wanted to do something similar. That will be coming next time. Also next time, a little revision of my goal list...exciting stuff. 


  1. I walk for exercise! Anything that gets your heartbeat up is good :) And I agree - I really enjoy taking walks around my neighborhood and seeing all the cute houses that I don't notice while I'm driving.

  2. Great job, Ellen! You're a big motivation/inspiration for me! Although you always have been :)

    1. You are too sweet. It is kind of hard to believe that because you are a big Motivation/Inspiration for ME! :) Thank you for always being one of my biggest cheerleaders.

  3. You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! San Antonio is ugly...and I don't think I'd feel safe by myself outside of my neighborhood, ha. I like the idea of listening to scriptures on walks. I've listened to gc talks too and loved that. And I'm totally checking out JM yoga!

    1. :/ That is a bummer. I guess I am lucky. I want to do GC talks next time. And JM yoga is great and then you don't have to go out into the sketch neighborhood. :)

  4. I almost ONLY walk. Running is for crazy people :)

  5. I recognize that wall! I used to go jogging around that when we lived in South Provo. It made for a good little (manageable) trail. The first time I jogged it, I was exhausted. But it was nice to jog the same route and be able to measure my progress as it got easier and easier. That was right around the time that you started jogging for CK donations and posting on Facebook, which was a huge inspiration to me to keep up my exercise routine.
